My older girls have been dubed the ” I Wanters” since they were little since it seems like all of there sentences start with “I want”. I’m sure you all have kiddos like this to right ? please just say yes to make me feel better. I mean I guess I shouldn’t be to surprised being that they are my daughters and all but I have to be honest after a while I stop listening. So when birthdays and holidays come around I’m never to sure what to get them. However they never hesitate to quickly give me a page long list of things HAHAHA!

These are just a few of the top gifts they both agreed are a must for all tweens!


Tween Girl Gift Guide

This post contains affiliate links and products in exchange for review. All thoughts and opinions are my own For further information, please visit our Disclosure page.

  1. BookRoo– YAY livi is so exited that they now have a Junior Box specifically for 7-10 yr olds. Check out our review here. You also wont want to miss the black friday sale Nov 24-27th use code KAYLAGIFT for 25% off!!!
  2. Gift Cards- These girls go bonkers over gift cards, so we always get them a couple.
  3. Lush Bath Bombs– I passed my love of relaxing baths down to these girls which means anything bath related is a good gift. Lush has the yummiest selection.
  4. Ailihen Headphones– I love these as much as the girls since they have a built in volume limiter I dont have to worry about them listening to things and hurting their ears. Mom win! Use Code QG25EKUI for 30% off!!
  5. MunchPak– The girls think its super neat to try new and popular snacks from around the world.Who doesn’t like a gift that keeps on giving ? Best part is its only $9.95 shipped !
  6. Friendship Socks– Silly, fun socks are so in right now. Friendship socks mean you get a pair and so does your bestie HOW SWEET.
  7. Converse– Everyone needs a pair of converse, at least that’s what the girls tell me.
  8. Beanie– You can never have to many winter hats and these come in so many different colors !!

Of course they are still adding things to their lists but they both agree they would be happy with all of these things !


